Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Whitest Whites

Shannon began the day with a discussion on his laundry. He was wondering how to keep his whites white and not going dingy over time. Of course this conversation could go down the wrong road quickly... in fact what if there was a product that did just that... kept your whites white.

*while this spoof skirts the lines of racism it is meant purely as satire.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Wellness Wenches

Today the show started off with Shannon talking about his injured shoulder and how his "wellness concierge" might be able to help him out... the whole idea of a service that comes and brings you chicken soup and such interested me... it also let me try out a different head shot of Savannah.

I had to bust on Jimmy D...

and Savannah...

and Savannah's Imaginary Friend Sheila...

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Monday, November 28, 2005

A Christmas Bonus

Today Shannon talked about how company's are slacking off on Christmas bonuses. Several callers were telling how great or how lousy their bonuses were. I thought... hmmmm... what kind of bonus would Shannon give out...

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Hammered of Oz

Cabin Boy's 'Wench of the Week' is a 3 part series this time. It is a parody of the Wizard of Oz... with characters from the show... you can listen to them here. I thought it needed a nice marquee poster...

Here's the original poster...

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Today they talked about laxative addiction and Savannah's dog. Shannon has been thining of rescuing a dog from a shelter. This just seemed to be too good to be true...


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Backdoor Boys

Cabin Boy & Steadman (another producer) have characters that are modeled after 1940-ish news men. Freakin hilarious. There was also recently a comment about Steadman's hair looking like a boy band in the new show promo shot. I thought hmmm, what if they did a gay boy band CD... and they were 1940's gangsters!

Ladies and gentlemen.. the Backdoor Boys!

Here's a close-up of Savannah as a flapper...

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Cabin Boy

One of the producers of the show is Cabin Boy. Very creative and funny. I had to do a pirate picture for him...

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Monday, November 21, 2005

Imaginary Friends

One of the running topics on the show is Savannah's friends. She often speaks of friends she has that do silly things or have certain problems, mental, physical or otherwise. However none of the 'friends' has ever called the show... EVER. The rest of the gang thinks all these friends are imaginary and that Savannah takes certain things in her life or traits of her personality and places them on these 'friends'. I couldn't resist stoking that fire...

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Lousy Rip-off Towing

The gang discussed mean tow truck drivers and their shady tactics...

What if Shannon had a towing service?

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


The gang discussed the new nasal aphrodisiac that is coming out. This definitely needed a product advertisment...

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A Christmas Carol

Shannon had announced that he will be playing Scrooge in 'A Real Radio Christmas Carol'. I created a poster for the marquee...

Here's the original picture...

Here is an original Carol ad... it looked too boring... Shannon looks like a muppet here... I needed something better...

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Arsty Fartsy Photos

Shannon and the group were discussing ways to raise money for a local charity. They do an annual fund-raising drive. Shannon suggested they do artistic, black & white, semi-nude pictures or posters...

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Friday, November 11, 2005

Gay Friendly Billboard

One of the other shows on Real Radio is the Philips Phile. The host, Jim Philips, has been ranting about his new billboard. Apparently some high-level exec mucky-muck shot down his approved idea. Then there was some discussion of maybe having Jim dressed up as some dominatrix or in a dress. Jim said he'd quit if that would happen. They also speak often of being 'gay friendly' on the Philips Phile, meaning they support the gay community... not that they are gay themselves (except maybe Oddo).

This was too hard to pass up...

Well at least he's not in a dress...

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Ubermacho Team Trading Cards

The first topic that got me started was on Shannon Burke being a man's man and 'macho'. This could not go unspoofed. I decided to make trading cards and take the heads of the hosts... Shannon, Soul Brother Kevin (SBK), and Savannah... and put them on super buff bodies... the results were... well... see for yourself...

No these are NOT their real bodies of course... but Savannah's looks convincing, no?

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Monsters Uberflex Team

On the Monsters they were making fun of Russ's 'flexing'.. the double-flex or the triple-flex...


The Uberflex Team Trading Cards

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Drunky's Gay Poster

I just thought this would be funny...

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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Cheesy G5 & Other Stuff

Here are some old spoofs I did...

First was a set of ads on Apple's G5 computer. When it first came out it people commented on how it looked like a cheese grater.

Then there's the whole 'i' series of stuff Apple does...

And here's an oldie from way back in 1996 when Micro$oft launched their Internet Explorer...

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005



As a Web Developer and Graphic Designer I listen to the radio all day. Since Top 40 sucks... and i can usually count on hearing whatever pre-packaged, teen, sugar-pop song is being sold as the latest and great every hour on the hour... I choose to listen to talk radio. It makes the day go faster and actually lightens a hectic schedule and provides a chuckle and a guffaw. One of my favorite shows is the Shannon Burke Show on Real Radio 104.1 in Orlando (weekdays 11-3) plug plug plug.

Anyway they discuss numerous topics of the day and some of them become 'lightning in a bottle' and spark my creativly deprived brain. I keep a list of items they discuss and as time permits I create 'vignettes' of the topics... sometimes melding two or more together to make something funny. typically I take one or more of their heads, cut it out, then proceed to paste it onto whatever bodies I find fit the theme. However I do not just slap it on. I take the time to blend skin tones, head positions, and the like to make it look like an actual photograph they might have taken. Most are pretty darn convincing. I also make up advertisments for fake products based on the topics discussed.

From time to time I do my own spoofs as well based on whatever is going on in the world.

What follows are pieces of some of my work... I hope you enjoy.